Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday's wisdom....

"Have a little faith...."

I was reminded of my father's words this morning.  Whenever he would find me anxious or afraid about a situation, he would put his arm around me, smile and tell me to "have a little faith."

Faith in what?

Faith in the belief that all would be well.  That I would get through it, whatever it was.

Then he would remind me to look back and review similar situations or challenges I had been through and survived.  "See," he would say, "that all fell into place and worked out fine."  He was right.  Even if things didn't turn out the way I planned or hoped, I was still OK.

Looking back I could see things like: I eventually did get a job.  Natural childbirth did not last for days, (it just felt that way.)  Fevers did go down, we did find a house to rent, and snowstorms do not last forever. Repeating that last one to myself over and over today....

Things have been a bit hectic around here the past few weeks.  Today I'm finding comfort in remembering my Dad's wisdom.  Today I have faith that all will be well and I will get through it just fine.

Today.  Check in with me tomorrow - after the storm.  Might feel differently.  In that case, I'll simply re-read this post.

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