Saturday, December 3, 2011

Home for the Holidays

There is much excitement brewing in our little town tonight, as residents prepare for the Home for the Holidays Parade.  Streets are blocked off nearby so that the floats and band members can line up in readiness.  Several of our neighbors have put up decorations and it is starting to look very festive.

When our family first moved to this town, about 13 years ago, we were struggling with acceptance of having let go of our previous home and were feeling a little lost.  Coming to the Parade that first year gave all of us a real sense of belonging.  It also gave us blue lips, red toes and fingertips.  It was bloody cold that year!!!

We attended faithfully for the next several years, but have been slacking off as of late.  But the Englishman and I plan on donning our woolies and heading out shortly.  It's a quick stroll down to the "High Street", as he calls it.  (In England, they refer to the main street of shops as the High Street in each town or village.)

We might bump into one or more of our daughters, who grown now, also live in town.  Maybe there will even be a grandchild or two, with eyes shinning at the spectacle before them. And since it is a bit chilly out there now,  I think a mug of hot chocolate will be in order upon our return!

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