Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tip for a Tuesday....

Ah, routine....

I was remembering the other day what it was like when I first started to drive.  It seemed as though there were a million things I was expected to do - all at once - in order to just transition the vehicle from park to moving.  And then there were all the things you had to do to navigate down the road to your destination - check your mirrors, use the indicator, brake, change radio stations....
It was overwhelming!

And yet, it seems it only took a short while before all those things became second nature.  After only a few short months I did them without much conscious thought and they became purely automatic.

Which got me to thinking about the routines in my life.
The things I do automatically, without too much thought or "push".

I used to think having routines was boring.  But trust me girls, you learn pretty quickly that in some areas of your life boring is good.  In fact it can be a real time saver.

So I follow the same routines when I get up in the morning and after dinner each night.  Things like writing in my Gratitude journal, laying out clothes for the next day, washing my face carefully and applying moisturizer that has time to soak in.  And slipping into comfy pajamas before sitting down to an evening of television and crocheting.

Routine can ease you into your day and ease you gradually out of it.  After a while it becomes a welcome habit and can free you up time wise.

So my tip for today?  Look for areas in your life where you can slip in some routine.  Do some of the same things over and over, day after day, till you do them automatically.  And enjoy the free time you find!

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