Wednesday, December 28, 2011


To use an often quoted phrase of my eldest granddaughter, "Oh no! It's gawn!" (aka: gone)

Oh yes. It is.

No, not the squirrel.  The chain, from which the dried corn on the cob treat for the squirrel was suspended.

At first daughter #1 and I thought that perhaps the Englishman had moved it or brought it inside.

Apparently, he thought the same about me.

We compared notes and discovered that it had to be the work of some teeny tiny hands.

Can you believe it?  Talk about "biting the hand that feeds you"!  Here we were trying to do a nice thing for this rodent and he repays our kindness by stealing the silly thing.

So now the score is: Squirrel - 2  Humans - 1

The saga continues.........

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