Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Visit With Little Miss

Our darling granddaughter, M, came to play at our house today.  We saw her last night at the Holiday Parade, and she was quite prepared to come over at the conclusion. But we told her she could come tomorrow and bake brownies.  As we walked home she said, "It's alright, Grandmom.  I, Meredith, will come help you."

Her Daddy dropped her off, as her Mommy was feeling sick.  She barely looked back as we entered the house.  I scooped her up in anticipation of the excited Basset Hounds.  She started to admonish them straight away, saying "Down boys, get down boys" in between giggles.

She quickly toured the house which I have started to decorate.  There were a few "wows" and "It's Christmas" as she wandered through the rooms.  The hit of the day were the characters from Rudolph.  Especially these two:

She was fascinated with making Rudolph's nose light up.  She played quite happily with them for quite a while, making up her own games with them.

Grandad made special tiny pancakes for lunch, with a syrup dipping sauce.  M decided it was much better to use her finger than the pancakes to taste the sauce.

And then, it was time to bake.  I've discovered that her real interest lies in using Grandmom's sink.  So there was much cleaning and pouring, and rubbing with a large bar of soap.  She did assist me in adding the ingredients for the brownies, but would quickly plunge her hands back into the soapy water.

While the brownies were baking, we made a "wreath" for Mommy.  M added stickers to a styrofoam wreath I purchased at Michaels.  All the stickers.  She said it would make Mommy better.

We gathered up our treats and headed out the door for the short walk home.  M commented on all the decorations she noticed on the neighbors houses and lawns.  She got very excited as we got closer, exclaiming, "It's my house!".  She knocked on her door and squeezed past Daddy to run to the couch.  "Mommy, Mommy, this will make you all better!" she cried.  A big hug and kiss from my daughter assured M that she would be alright now, thanks to her present.

These moments are so very precious.  How blessed am I that I realize that as they are happening!

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