Monday, January 2, 2012


Is that even a word? Computing?  Is that what I am doing for hours each day, trying to find my way around this thing called the Internet and the blogging world?  It seems to take me FOREVER to do things on my friend "Mac", but I am slowly but surely making progress.

I confess that when asked on certain sites do I want the Mac or PC version, I have to stop first and remember that Mac is short for Macintosh, a type of apple and that is the computer I have.  Sad, but true.

But then I pat myself on the back for at least trying.  Apparently there are scores of people out there who either just plain dislike computers, don't trust the Internet or are too afraid to try.  The fact that the Englishman constantly assures me that I can't break anything has been a huge boost to my confidence and eagerness to go forward in my attempts to conquer this myself.

So if you've noticed a few changes to the outward appearance of my blog, it is because I am venturing farther down the road of technology.  It is both exciting and intimidating.  And I find I am enjoying every minute of it.

If you haven't yet gotten on the highway of computing,  I urge you to come join me.  It's a wonderful journey, I assure you, and worth every moment of your time and effort.  Hey, if I can do it......

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