Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I've got a secret.....

Nothing earth shattering.  Just the admission that I already know what happens in all of Season 2 on this program:

I said to the Englishman the other day that I felt like I was harboring some secret news, that it felt almost like cheating. " Cheating on who?" he inquired.  I don't know - it's just that I know and viewers in the U.S. don't.  "Who would you tell? he then asked.  Well, no one.  "So what's the problem? he said very matter of fact.

He's right.  It's not like knowing a secret code or intercepting a message.  Silly me.

If you haven't already tapped into this lovely program, I urge you to do so.  Before Sunday night if possible, when Season Two begins.  Netflix, if you are a member, seems to have episodes from Season One.  But you can easily catch on to what is happening even if you haven't seen the previous shows.

As a woman, I find it fascinating to see how our gentle sex was treated back in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  To the tell you the truth, I'm appalled at some of the attitudes held toward us.  How women didn't just haul off and slap these men up the side of the head I'll never know.  (Probably because of the repercussions they were sure to suffer.)

In another British series we watch called "Bramwell", a woman doctor is reminded by a senior Surgeon that "after all, we know for a fact that a woman's brain is much smaller than a man's."  Seriously?  SLAP!

Probably best for all concerned I was born in the era I was and not before.  But I'm drifting off topic.

Please tune in to PBS on Sunday January 8th to go back in time to life at Downton Abbey.

Umm, and in the spirit of full disclosure, I have also seen the Christmas Day Special of Downton Abbey which followed the end of Season Two.  But I promise not to breathe a word of it!

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