Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tip for a Tuesday....

It's All About the Baking Soda

I recently decided to try a tip I had read about and found it to be very successful.  Now, we've all been told of the merits of using baking soda to ward off evil smells in our fridge and freezer, to whiten our teeth, and scrub the bottom of a cooking pot.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.

For the most part I had found myself reaching up on the shelf and pulling down the box of baking soda for various tasks.  But since putting it in a tiny, plastic "shaker", as suggested, keeping it on the countertop near the sink, I find I'm now using it constantly.  For all sorts of things.
And it only cost me a dollar at a "dollar" store!

 Maybe it is all about the packaging and presentation that can spur us on to use a product.  So I recommend investing in a shaker for your baking soda.  Think of the fun you will have as your sprinkle the soda and the countless tasks it will aid you in doing more easily!


  1. That's why Dudley and Bentley are nervous when they walks past you by the sink. They are worried you are going to sprinkle them!
