Saturday, October 22, 2011

Good news, bad news....

You might recall from an earlier post my frustration with trying to feed the birds in my yard, but not the entire squirrel population of our neighborhood.  The plan was to move the bird feeder pole to an area which would be impossible for the grey rodents to "fly" to, so as to stop their constant draining of bird seed.

The Englishman kindly moved said pole this morning, with the addition of a new feeder.  And.......
success!  After dinner we spent time watching the area through the kitchen window and the numerous attempts made by two squirrels to grab some dinner.  All failed.  No amount of shimmying could gain access above the cone.  One gave considerable time to an idea of leaping from the tree located behind the bench.  Thankfully, upon careful consideration and running up and down several branches, he realized it was futile and gave up. Hurray!

So what's the bad news?  As the Englishman said, "We must be getting too soft in our old age."  Because we feel bad for the squirrels!  Oh yes.  Can you believe it?  Not that I'm going to remove obstacles and let them fill their bellies with seed.  Oh no.  Even sillier, I'm going to go back to the bird shop and purchase one of those wooden stands and corn cob things made specifically for squirrels.  I know, I know.

What was that series of books and television show in England years ago.... something about "All creatures great and small..."  He's right.  The Englishman and I ARE a couple of softies.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.

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