Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tip for a Tuesday....

Many, many years ago, before I met my husband, a wise woman offered me some sage advice.  She suggested that before my birthday and Christmas each year, I purchase a gift for myself.  Something small perhaps, but something that I really wanted.  That way she said I wouldn't be disappointed if the gifts I received in future weren't always to my taste or liking.  I would be satisfied, knowing I had gotten myself a special gift I knew I would love.

Let's face it.  Women are experts at taking care of others and always putting their needs first.  At least all the women I know.  (I'm sure those "housewives" women don't have this problem!)  For most of us it would never occur to us to actually get a gift for ourselves.  But I was wise enough to follow this advice.  She was right.  There is something satisfying about actually taking time to think about what I might like and then going and purchasing it.  Some years it was a book or a sweater.  In leaner times, a special magazine might suffice.  But acknowledging that, as the commercial says, "I'm worth it!" has been a real gift in itself for me.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I must say that I am in fact married to a prince (and not just because he's English!) who has given me the most wonderful gifts the past 33 years.  And I also have to include my three daughters in that assessment. Some of the gifts have been so perfect that they have brought me to tears!  Apparently the severity of my crying is the barometer by which they judge how perfect their gift is!

So for me, it's not about whether or not I have received wonderful gifts over the years. I have! It's more about  being sure I take time to really think about me, what I would like, and to follow through on being good to myself.  Just a suggestion....

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