Monday, October 10, 2011

What did you call me?

Since it is October, it brings to mind a slight dilemma the Englishman and I encountered when we first became parents.  In England, children call their mothers "Mummy".  After we were married, I called my mother-in-law "Mum" which felt right considering I still referred to my own mother as "Mom".  But the first time I heard my Englishman send daughter #1 on an errand to give me something, calling out "Go and give this to Mummy", I confess it gave me the giggles!  He tried it several more times but I couldn't stop from laughing and feeling strange.  So he gracefully gave in and started to say "Mommy".

As the other girls came along and they grew rapidly, the question became what would we refer to each other as in front of them.  My parents used to call each other Mom and Daddy.  It was quite a sight to see, my father who was ten years my mother's senior and over six feet tall, wandering around a department store calling out "Mom, Mom?"  I didn't want the same experience for myself and our family.  And I didn't want the girls to get the idea they could call us by our given names. (though the youngest gave it a go one day - much to her delight and that of her sisters!)  My Englishman came up with the idea of "The Mom".  Not to be outdone, I responded by calling him "The Dad".  And it stuck.

So now, I can be talking to one of the girls and she'll inquire something like,  "Did you ask the Dad if he help me with a project next week?".  I guess to an outsider it might sound strange, but we are so used to it that it just seems natural.

So, that's the story of why I am called "The Mom" and not "Mummy"!

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