Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's for the birds....

Several months ago, the Englishman and I decided to try feeding the birds again in the backyard.  Previous attempts found us feeding the dogs and local squirrels more than the birds.  Clearly we needed some guidance in this area. So this time we went to an actual Bird Feed store to make a purchase.

We explained our situation to the assistant and were given excellent advice.  We purchased a tubular feeder, with a bottom tray to stop seed falling for the dogs and an overhead dome to protect the birds and seed from rain.  Similar to the one below.

Perfect!  The Englishman suspended the system from a strong iron arm beside a large window in the kitchen.  It worked like a dream!  For a time.  Then, I foolishly put out some suet.  It must have had a strong odor because before we knew it, the squirrels had discovered our hidden treasure.  Boy are they clever!  They can shimmy up drainpipes, hang from the gutters, drop from tree limbs.  I wish I were that limber!  It became very discouraging, not to mention costly, as I had to keep refilling the feeder daily now.

We decided that moving the feeding station was the answer.  We were wrong.  The squirrels had no problem climbing up the post we now hung it on.  We tried a baffle that wobbles and discovered the squirrels are quite adept at wobbling too.  And tonight, while washing the dinner dishes, I noticed they have the ability to leap several feet in the air on to the tray from a brick wall along our patio!  You'd think they had wings and were friends of Bullwinkle! (That was a cartoon girls, back in the dark ages, with a moose and a flying squirrel.)

So tomorrow I plan on moving the post further away from the wall.  And bushes.  And trees.  The Englishman gets a laugh watching me try to outsmart them.  So in addition to providing food for the birds and squirrels, I'm providing entertainment!  But tomorrow that ends.  Hopefully.  Probably.  Maybe.  We'll see.  I'll let you know.

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